I'm a currently beginner indie game developer, and semi-animator due to using MikuMikuDance. A Backstage worker who sets up and tears down sets before and after theater shows. I'm also a gamer. Yes I live with my parents currently, but I mostly don't have a care in the world about that situation at the moment, though it's beginning to seem more lively lately.

Steam User Name: Durami (was KDC705, youtube channel named KDC705 still though), you may want to search kdc017 or my e-mail address to find me, or look in the rpgmaker.net Steam group.




hmmm...... I guess I better take out the table, and figure out how to make the Events and characters transparent.


Yeah, I was thinking about that. I should get that room smaller.

Maybe time for a Public Beta Release

Alright Alright...


I forgot to mention, Notice how the character's first and last name is on the menu, and in battle? Instead of having to use their first name only, I decided to give out their Last name as well.


I kind of edited this a bit, there's more people and that Tonberry was replaced.


I call it laziness, and Lack of Drawing. Basically, I'm not that good at drawing and in PC terms, I stink with a mouse.


Cool, alright.

Magic Quest Screenshot_Rest option.png

Ok, I decieded to keep it empty, so the new reason is:

They are just plain old broke! XD

Magic Quest Episode 3 Screenshots_Final Battle.png

Where are the bottoms of that platform?
The bad guy destroyed the bottoms, thus... making the thinnest piece of platforms float.... in the Endless Abyss, lol. Just kidding of the Abyss part, I don't remember what the heck this map was!

I need a few beta testers

I'll try it out as well.